Sunday, April 25, 2010

On this particular day(Teddie’s story)

Teddie is all so excited to be playing fetch with me the other day..Here are a video and pictures to prove what I’m talking about.

23042010277  Teddie’s Red Bone

23042010280 Getting ready for me to throw

23042010281 Good girl!! Bringing back the bone for me

When we were happily playing fetch, suddenly, all hell broke loose! mum was shouting on top of her voice and soon I found out that Teddie did her business(poo) in one of our rooms. That’s why mum is shouting from upstairs. Instance, Teddie’s expression changed..

23042010283 Heard Mum yelling and it wasn’t a good sign.

23042010284 She knew something is wrong.

23042010287 And then she went to hiding..I guess that’s the end of our game today.


So what we did was put her on a chair for about 10 minutes so that she’ll know that she did wrong.



23042010296  Giving me her sad face hoping I could help. Sorry Teddie, you’re on your own. >.<

23042010302 After she know that i’m no help towards her, she don’t want to look at me anymore.. T.T you good for nothing brat..~

So here’s a post on how we punish our little dog. Not by spanking her. By just telling her. =)


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