Saturday, April 17, 2010

Finishing of FYP

I’m done with my FYP!!! Yes!! Finally.. And i’m so relieved. Passed up today but guess what, i’m in seremban when my FYP is being passed up. How come? Of course lah i asked my Mr.Rabbit help me to pass it into the lecturer’s pigeon hole keke


I actually finished on Tuesday and I came back to Seremban on Thursday. Mr.Rabbit knew I was very stress and also because we haven’t been meeting a lot so he being Oh-So-Nice and brought me to Toast “n” Toast!! I love the bread there because it’s so traditional but yet so tasty. love

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13042010178 copyMr.Rabbit playing with his new lens and me at home playing with my photoshop..haha..! not a bad effect eh??

Thank you Mr.Rabbit for bringing me there =D


So as you can see, the bread looks nice! and of course it taste good too!

Last weekend i worked in Melaka PC fair and it was boring. But luckily i have Anna with me and at least we have something to talk about during work. If not, I think I will really bored to death.

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I started work during last thursday to earn extra $$ by helping to arrange the goods and products. And it was alright, not too much of hard work, all we had to do is work till 4p.m. But we had to wait till about 6 only we could go home as we were waiting for our lovely boss that went MIA (missing in action) for more than 3hours. So me and Anna went out to the lounge and bought a can of 100plus and just talked.

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Can’t really remember what we were talking about but i love the emotion of anna. wohaha

DSC07574I waited till i got so bored and i end up stacking up all the cardboards and sat on top of it making weird faces.

That’s all for the moment, will update more about Seremban later on =)


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Just a simple person going through an ordinary life. Adding in more fun and color every single day

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