It’s been a while isn’t it? I’ve been in Melaka for the past week to fight for my finals exam. Seriously, I don’t feel much pressure this time round, not that i want to show-off or something, but seriously, nothing much; well apart from on the very morning that I’ll be seating for an exam. So here’s a little update on what happened for the past week. Have you been following my blog? Have you been clicking my ads?? XP
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Found a nice little cat in MMU corner (somewhere near my Uni). Love her pose. She’s so pretty and not to mention clean!!! Still talking about cats, the cat in my hostel(not mine) gave birth to 4 very cute kittens~
So next, where to? After my paper on Thursday afternoon, I have a sudden urge of going out to have some good food, so i called my housemates, told them to get changed and off we went. Went to Jusco as well because Anna haven’t been there before so we brought her there first and then headed to fetch Kaya(our old roomie). Didn’t take much pictures this round as we are all busy eating(paid bloody RM19.8 for the food of course we would want to eat more! More! MORE!!!!)
After the very fattening session of dinner, we went for dessert(i wonder how we manage to even drink water after consuming all those food, I guess it’s true that gals have 2 stomach XD).
I love the dessert there, just in case you don’t know, it’s a kind of Chinese herb dessert(龟苓膏)
The picture above if our old rommie(Kaya) and the present one(WanYi).
This is my roommie for the past 2 years and m so sad that I’m going to leave her next week for internship. *BooHooHoo*
On Friday as I was busy studying and memorizing all the notes, practically squeezing every th
ing into my very tiny and limited brain, hostel made an announcement that they are coming to spray all those Aedes things, and we were like: “This kind of time??!!” (everyone is having exams on the 2nd day).
So, we prepared everything that we would, wearing masks, keeping all our clothes, putting cloth on door gaps so that the smoke won’t come in. And worst of all, I’m cooking at that very moment.=.=!! What a timing isn’t it?
This is how we shut the gap between the doors.
Playing with anna’s fish eye lens. Mind you, they are not busy studying for finals, look closely and you can see that they are actually reading “crayon shin chan”.
This is how we prepare for the mosquito spraying session. Normally as what we encounter, there will be bundle and bundle of smoke going through any possible hole, but this time, there’s no smoke, there’s no smell, and I wonder what they are spraying. =.=!!~ Waste of effort “dressing” up for the very
special occasion.
Lastly, it’s time to head back to Seremban!! Yes, time to get home. Well, I haven’t finish my papers yet, but my sister left this morning, and so i just came back to say bye and also to celebrate Mother’s Day. So on the way home, took some really really random photos.
Again with the dramatic sky.
Don’t know why, I just like this photo, even though it’s over exposed, and the color is weird, but I guess that is what makes it different then. LOL!
Bout mousse for celebration with my mum and it’s just a very small gathering at home and some non-alcoholic wine. Simple and Cozy.
After saying good bye to my sister this early morning, me and mum headed to Terminal 2 to have breakfast and also to buy a bag that i spotted yesterday. And here it is!!!! *drum rolls*
I know it’s not LV or Prada or even Juicy, but well, i just need something that is practical and yet look ok. So here it is! =) And in the very same shop, I bought
Teddie myself a pair of geeky glasses.
Oops, that’s not me wearing it, it’s Teddie~~~~~~
It’s ok la, what do you expect from a RM9.90 glasses wor~
So that’s all for this week’s update, will see whether I have the time to do more updates after my finals or not. Last 2 more subjects, all the best to me and I’m heading to KL after that!!~
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