Saturday, March 31, 2012

Roaming around: Roaring away

Dear all,

I’m back to update my second part of my business trip. However, for this post, it will be focused more on me roaming around the city with my friend.

he is happily playing with my new toy. DSC00410



After work crowd. DSC00419

Night streets of Bugis DSC00427


Found this obscene restaurant there as well. Wanted to try whether it’s really that obscene, but the crowd is too much for me to handle, so we just walked away.

Instead we went to another tiny little café that is opposite the obscene restaurant.




Hello famous street of Singapore. DSC00449

Went for the famous bubble tea as well. Way too overrated. Me no like. DSC00453




Crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Where’s the dragon? Hiding behind the camera (*hint: me!)DSC00497

Anyway, ended the day and went back to my room for a snooze.

Woke up all fresh second day and went for a dip on 57th floor! It was FREEZING!

I have a big jaw bone and excessively large ears, but what the heck. At least I’m unique.DSC00502

I wanted to post my bikini photo, but neh, I can’t handle the harsh critic. So I shall hide my sad little body behind nice clothing at the moment. Smile with tongue out My confidence is not that well trained yet. But I promise. Soon.

Me and one of the many organiser personnel. SONY DSC




Two of my very nice exhibitors. Definitely great companion. DSC00535

Funny guy. Had a great laugh with him during the whole exhibition.DSC00537

Laser lighting show at Marina. Not amused. Not at all. DSC00548


I was on the SHIP!! *dancing with my hands on the air*DSC00597

Dinner time. DSC00612

Me like this photo. It has some devilish feel in it. <3SONY DSC



Thanks for dinner and companion. Smile DSC00649

Last day with my exhibitors. DSC00681

Everyone was so jolly as it is the last day of exhibition. DSC00683

One of my exhibitor’s product.DSC00684

I think that’s about it on my Singapore business trip. I had a lot of fun and definitely learned a lot. Now I know that it is not easy being a coordinator. It is really really tiring. I came back and slept for 2 full days. Didn’t even have the energy to even fight with baby (he was away for his Bangkok trip).

Thank you everyone for logging and reading all my crap and appreciating my GORGEOUS photos! Loving my new baby (Sony NEX-3)


Till then,

Au revoir

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Just a simple person going through an ordinary life. Adding in more fun and color every single day

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