Thursday, July 21, 2011

Teddie Loves Durian!

Since I’m that free everyday lingering around the house, there are tons of time for me to actually observe Teddie’s habit. Just in case you still don’t know who is Teddie, she’s part of our family that is responsible for bringing all the joy to us.

That’s her. Teddie


Everyone knows that it’s Durian season and of course we are here to join the crowd as well. Mum bought 2 durian in one fine day and here’s the condition of the durian “open ceremony”.

I smell something.. *sniff sniff*DSC_9395

There it is!!!!DSC_9398

Let me have a closer look. It’s some what round and it has a lot of spikes..DSC_9401

Can I hazz pleaseeeeee?DSC_9400

ooooooooo…. you’re the best!DSC_9406


I can say, Teddie is enjoying her fruits a lot. Of course after all the fattening food, she needs to exercise a little bit here and there, so this is how she does her daily workout!

Look at me! I’m flying!DSC_9414

I’m up! you’re so dead pig! DSC_9417

I need to catch my breath for a while. DSC_9420

That’s basically what we do everyday. Training this little fellow and also teaching her some additional tricks. Till then. Stay tune.


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