Tuesday, June 2, 2009

what a day on MUET registration.

Well, i planned to take my MUET exams on Oct...and i went to Pelajaran Jabatan to get the form. As i happily went home to fill in the form, sudd....

Xiao Wan:" Ei, meikuen, i heard oh, MMU students cannot take MUET out from MMU le!!!!"
Me: "WTF??!!"
Xiao Wan:" Ya la, i just called MMU exam unit, they say cannot le! New policy, cannot take outside."
Me:" shit lor like this, i ad took the form, tomorrow I'm going to register and Thurs i'm going to be away from Malaysia till 20th le! Closing date on 17th oh!"
Xiao Wan :" i dunno oh, i just called just now, that is what they told me, or you try to call and ask see whether can o not, double comfirm lor."
Me:" ok ok, i go to online application and check first."

As i was going online to check for some info. WTF! MMU bulliten cannot open...Always do upgrade on the wrong time.
As i was scolding bad words, i called to MMU Exam Unit.

Me : hello, ini MMU Exam unit kan?
EU : ya...
Me : aku nak tanye ya, MUET boleh angkat dekat luar bagi MMU students tak?
EU : Tak boleh...hanye boleh angkat dekat MMU.
Me : Kenape aku tanya last week kata boleh? Orang tu kata kerana MUET time table clash dengan MMU finals, so panggil i pergi luar daftar angkat?
EU : Ha?? Macam tu ah...Aku tak pasti, you tunggu ya, i call tanya.

.......(10 SEC later)

EU : Hello, talian n gage la...
Me : Kalau macam tu boleh atau tidak?? Esok aku dah nak register! 
EU :Er....Tunggu ya..

....(hearing muttering at the background, with "tak tau" "tau pasti" "boleh" "Tak Boleh" and i was like "WTF")

EU : oh...boleh la..you boleh angkat dekat luar.
Me : pasti tak??
EU : Tak tau...orang In charge kata boleh, then bolehlah.
Me : ......... oh..macam ni sure ok ya? nanti aku register kata tak boleh macam mane?
EU : Bolehlah...Orang in charge kata ok then ok la...
Me : ok ok...thank you..bye

After a short conversation with them.. I called xiao wan again, to tell her bout the news. And she was like
So....she called again and ask. N after 5 mins, she called me back and said that can ad... 

you say la...

WTF o not????


Felix Yukito said...

LOL!!! swt la EU.. but i oso doubt they say can.. later tak boleh they will juz deny having say yes before..

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